Women have different weight loss needs than men. Many times, men seem to lose weight at the drop of a hat, while women seem to starve themselves for weeks, only to find that they have only lost a pound. Is there a way to even the playing field in the weight loss game? Sure there is! By following weight loss advice designed for women, women can lose just as much weight as men can in the same amount of time.
One reason men seem to lose weight faster than women is because of a nasty little visitor that women have that drops by once a month. While your period doesn't actually cause lasting weight gain, it does cause you to temporarily gain water weight. Water weight can stick on you for two weeks at a time, causing you to feel like your weight loss efforts are not doing any good at all. This may cause you to give up on them altogether. Your period can also make you feel pretty bad. With irritability, cramps, headaches and bloating, you may have moments of weakness and grab that brownie that has been calling your name. Then you might feel worse, and eat the whole pan of brownies.
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Men, obviously don't have these problems, the lucky punks. To combat these issues, there are some tricks you can try. To fight the bloating, resist the urge to chug soft drinks and chomp down the potato chips. The extra sugar, carbonation and other nasty ingredients in soda can make you feel bloated and tired. Chips have a lot of sodium and grease, which can add to the bloat. To help with the cramps and headaches, talk to your doctor about a gentle pain reliever that will work for you. Also, drinking warm tea will help you feel better. When it comes to cravings, remember chocolate is not your enemy. Sounds crazy, I know, but it isn't all the fat and sugar that comes with some chocolate that you are craving it is the chocolate itself. Find a chocolate bar that has the highest concentration of cocoa. You will need less of this chocolate bar to satisfy your cravings. Using these tips will help you relax, feel better, and not give up or de-rail your weight loss efforts.
One advantage that women have over men in the weight loss battle is soy. Soy is not good for men in large amounts because of the phyto-estrogens it contains. These phyto-estrogens don't have ill effects on women, so women can enjoy more soy, and it can actually be a healthy addition to their diets. There are many yummy products that include soy, and soy can be a great low-fat way to get in your protein. So is a part of many products these days, so you can choose from a variety of tasty products.
When it comes to weight loss, women often think that men have the upper hand. Once you understand the reason why women have a harder time losing weight, you can prevent these issues and take advantage of the benefits that soy has to offer. Women can improve their weight loss odds by following these tricks designed especially for women.
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