Struggling with safe weight loss? You're not alone. Millions of people try to get a handle on losing weight safely each year with various levels of results. If you've been frustrated before, there is hope on the horizon. Within 21 days you could have a stronger body, a clearer mind and more energy than you've dreamed of. With the four-part EASE program, you'll have a brand new body with an exceptional level of health. This is a 100% safe weight loss program designed with YOU in mind.
To Lose Weight And Feel Great Concentrate On These 4 Areas of E-A-S-E:
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E - is for Eating
Eating properly is vital for losing weight safely. Several scientific studies have shown that excess carbohydrates and sugar are far more dangerous than fat. Sugar can increase your insulin levels, which leads to high blood pressure, higher cholesterol, higher triglycerides and a host of other problems, not to mention excess fat.
With a low carbohydrate diet that focuses on non-starchy vegetables, high quality protein and salads you'll find that you'll accelerate your weight loss and have increased energy. Your cravings for unhealthy carbohydrates and high sugar foods will decrease the more you are on the eating program.
A - is for Activities
Increasing your activity level is essential in losing weight, as you're probably already aware. But did you know that each pound of muscle will help you burn off an extra 75 calories a day? Just 20 to 30 minutes of weight lifting a week will help you build more muscle so you can burn more fat. Try to walk for 5-10 minutes after every meal to raise your metabolic rate.
S - is for Supplements
Many weight loss programs completely disregard the need for supplementation when in fact the right type of supplements can make all of the difference in your success rate. What constitutes the right type of supplement? Look for the following ingredients:
- L-Phenylalanine & L-Tyrosine: Both increase your mental and physical energy, and naturally inhibit your appetite.
- Chromium: This regulates insulin activities so that your cravings are reduced.
- 5HTP: This supplemental ingredient helps your body produce more serotonin, which will keep you feeling good and satiated.
- Amino acids: These important building blocks link protein, enzymes and antibodies so your body can efficiently break down the food that you eat and use the nutrients more effectively. When you get more out of the food you eat, you'll have less cravings and be less likely to indulge in your favorite sweet treats.
- CoQ10: This ingredient helps your body burn more fat to create energy.
- L-Carnitine & L-Glycine: These both also improve metabolism and help fat burning.
As you can see, supplementation can make a big difference in your success with a safe weight loss program. Be sure to look for these ingredients in every weight loss program that you are considering.
E - is for (Especially Excellent) Endeavors
Endeavors are any activities that will encourage safe healthy weight loss. Habits like drinking more water, being more mindful of what you are eating, removing negativity from your life, using positive self talk and getting enough sleep can boost your weight loss efforts and give you a healthy attitude toward your diet and workout program.
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